A retail kiosks is a store run from a single merchant-supplied unit of differing shape and size, which typically is enclosed by an operator situated at the front counter and customers approaching the vendor around a cashier on a payment terminal. These units usually have LCD displays showing the products available for sale. The products are displayed as icons or as brief blurbs on the screen and sometimes images too, depending upon the application. Customers can browse through the available items on the screens, select a desired product and pay by credit card.
Retail kiosks are very popular among all types of retailers from grocery stores to computer shops to apparel boutiques. The reason behind the phenomenal success of these retail kiosks is that they have provided modern solutions for a long-existing problem. The problem was the slow movement of traffic from the retail outlet to the customer and back to the retail kiosks. Retailers realized that with a retail kiosks, they would be able to display the products available for immediate sale to the customer, without having to move the customer from the waiting room to the front of the store. This is one of the reasons why retailers are seeing an almost endless aisle of products being displayed on retail kiosks.
Retail kiosks are also helping consumers make purchases and access information faster. With a narrow aisle layout, the consumers are able to peruse the products easily and get information about them quickly. With a wide-aisle display of goods, there is a lesser need for the employees to move the customer from one aisle to another to fetch information or make a purchase.
Another benefit of using digital retail kiosks is that they provide the retailer an extended customer experience, besides letting customers make purchases. A retail kiosks display is able to display all the details related to the products, such as pricing, description, features, and benefits of the product. This is something that a retail assistant or a manager would not be able to do. Most managers are not very adept at keeping track of the products available for sale in an aisle and making sales. By using kiosks, retailers have the ability to keep track of the products in an aisle and easily peruse them for the customer.
Many brick and mortar stores have seen a drop in foot traffic as well. One reason is because customers have become aware of store owners’ reluctance to extend retail kiosks to the public. Shoppers want to save money when they purchase products and are willing to pay a few cents more for that product than what a retailer offers to its customers. Most store owners do not want to lose those few cents. They therefore add a surcharge to the bill for these retail kiosks.
Digital kiosks allow store owners to counter this problem by offering an extra retail kiosk for sale in the store. Retail kiosks allow customers to make their purchases while they are standing in line at the checkout station. The kiosks display the items that the customer needs. Customers can simply use the bar code scanner to access the available items and make their purchase. There are no more paper rolls to be sorted through and no more hard times making it impossible to get through a cashier. By adding retail kiosks to the entrance of the store, customers can increase their customer traffic and sales.